Why we made another women in tech report

woman in tech working on laptop in shadows

Put simply, it’s still needed.

On 2nd September 2024, Tech Returners and the Northcoders Group will launch its much-anticipated report, “What women in tech want.” This report focuses on the specific needs and desires of women at different stages of their journey in tech, from trying to break into the industry, to trying to progress into a tech leadership role. The findings provide actionable insights for individuals and companies striving to foster gender diversity and inclusivity.

Motivation behind this report

The “What women in tech want” report was conceived to delve deeper into the unique experiences of women in the tech industry and formulate a framework for improvement that can be used by individuals and businesses alike. Our motivation stemmed from a growing recognition that despite numerous initiatives, women still face significant hurdles in this field. Our foundational research report, Breaking Barriers, surveyed women to understand their unfiltered barriers to tech, but identifying obstacles is only the first step. 

How do we break these obstacles and create a more inclusive industry? One thing we know for sure, is that it isn’t just women’s problem. We know we need practical ideas founded on real experiences, we need successful case studies, and sustainable solutions. It’s time to move beyond assumptions and to ask businesses to actively listen and participate in change. 

What we did

In February 2024, the Reframe Women in Tech Conference in Manchester served as a platform for women to share their perspectives on overcoming the barriers they face in the tech industry. Building upon the findings of our Breaking Barriers 2023 report, this follow-up research utilised the largest women in tech conference in the North as well as multiple other women in tech communities (such as WIT North and the Tech Returners network) to gather insights directly from the community, aiming to identify actionable steps to dismantle these barriers.

To deepen our understanding, we organised workshops with business leaders from Talent and Technology. During these sessions, we shared the insights and needs expressed by women and gathered input on how businesses are currently addressing these issues and considered what more can be done. This coming together of insight from women and business leaders is crucial for developing a comprehensive strategy that everyone can take ownership of.

The question of career stage?

The experience of someone trying to enter tech for the first time compared to someone that has been a software engineer for 15 years, took a break and now wants to return, could be very different. Therefore, when conducting this research, we felt it was inappropriate to categorise all women under the singular label of “women in tech.”

We wanted to investigate the stage at which women are in their tech careers and how this impacts their experiences. Whether they are trying to break into tech, returning after a hiatus, striving to progress, or aiming for leadership roles, each stage presents unique challenges and needs. For instance, while the number of women in tech may be increasing slowly, the representation of women in leadership positions remains disproportionately low. In 2023, Linkedin reported that women hold only 5% of leadership positions in the tech industry.

For this research, we surveyed a diverse range of individuals with varying experiences in the tech industry. Respondents were asked to classify their current professional situation into one of four streams:

  • “I am currently in tech”
  • “I am returning to tech”
  • “I am trying to progress in tech”
  • “I am trying to enter the tech industry.”

By understanding these nuances, we could tailor solutions that address specific barriers at each career stage, ensuring that support mechanisms are relevant and effective.

Looking Ahead

The “What Women in Tech Want” report aims to go beyond merely identifying barriers. It seeks to provide tangible solutions and inspire actionable change. By sharing real experiences and successful case studies, we hope to empower businesses and individuals to take concrete steps towards a more inclusive and equitable tech industry.

Join us on 2nd September 2024, as we unveil this crucial report and take another step towards breaking barriers and building a better future for women in tech. Sign up to receive the report here!

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