What Women in Tech Want: Follow Up to the Breaking Barriers Report

what women in tech want

The report has arrived! Get your copy.

The “What Women in Tech Want” report by Tech Returners and parent group Northcoders Group PLC dives deep into the current landscape for women at different stages of their careers in the technology sector, offering insights, data, and personal stories that highlight both the challenges and triumphs faced by women in this field. From addressing the gender gap and advocating for better inclusion practices to showcasing success stories and practical recommendations, this report is a valuable resource for anyone committed to fostering a more diverse and inclusive tech industry. Supported by progressive businesses, we’ve gathered insight on what’s worked, what hasn’t and what more could be done, to collate strategies for businesses at different stages of their DE&I journey.

Let’s keep this conversation going with the hashtag #WWITW (What Women in Tech Want). By sharing your stories, experiences, and successes we can collectively drive the change needed to create a more inclusive tech industry.

To access the full report and gain deeper insights into these vital topics, enter your email to receive your copy!


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